Dogs are amazing creatures, and they never cease to make us laugh. The funniest thing to see is a dog scooting across the floor. It’s hilarious, but it always makes us wonder why do dogs drag their butts on the floor? Tips and Tricks for a Happier Pet.
Fortunately, we have some insights on this topic, that might leave you feeling worried instead of laughing.
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Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butts on The Ground
If you ever see your dog scooting across the room, then here are some common reasons as to why he is doing that
Anal Sac Problem
A dog's anal sac can become inflamed, blocked, and infected. This is very common in smaller breeds, and in an attempt to alleviate the pain, the dog can start scooting.
Another common symptom of anal sac problems are swelling, licking, chewing, and trouble defecating. The best option would be to express the sac, which can be done in the vet's office, give antibiotics, change the diet, flush the sac with anesthetic, apply warm compresses, or use anti-inflammatory medications. Tips and Tricks for a Happier Pet.
Fecal contamination
Fecal contamination from diarrhea can stick to the dog's butt, therefore, causing excessive discomfort. The dog will relieve the irritation by sliding across the floor. Fortunately, the treatment for fecal contamination is basically to clean the area and trimmed away dirty hair.
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Parasitic or worm infection can occur when the dog swallows a flea or rodent. The most common signs and symptoms of tapeworm aside from scooting is rice-like material around the dog's anus. Fortunately, tapeworm treatment comes in injectable or oral form.
Garlic is an excellent natural home remedy that you can use to get rid of the tapeworm. The best way to prevent the recurrence of tapeworm infection is to control the flea population. You can use Frontline flea medication to prevent it from landing on your dog's body.
Rectal Prolapse
This is where part of the rectum protrudes through the anus. Prolapse occurs when your dog strains from severe constipation or have gone through severe diarrhea.
Treatment of rectal prolapse requires a trip to the vet and most likely surgery. In addition, to balance their plenty of fiber, moist diet, and stool softeners to prevent reoccurrence.
If your dog is suffering from seasonal allergies or has an allergic reaction from an insect or flea bite, it can cause itchy skin. This can lead to excessive scratching and scooting across the room. You can treat this with allergy medication or topical medication to alleviate the symptoms
Referred pain
If the dog is continuously licking their anal region, but the anal sac appears normal, then referred pain might be a possible culprit. If the pain happens in the lower hip and back, it can cause a dog to drag its butt across the room. Tips and Tricks for a Happier Pet.
Perianal fistula
This commonly occurs in the German Shepherd breed. This occurs from an abnormal connection between the rectum and the sac that leads to constant licking, itching, and scooting. This issue will require surgery from the vet.
Bacterial and yeast infection
Your dog can get a bacterial or fungal infection in their behind. Bacteria infection of the anal gland can elicit a very fishy smell.
However, bacteria require a prescription antibiotic from the veterinarian. Yeast infection is a fungal infection that can also cause the genital area to itch. It often has a white cottage cheese appearance, and require an antifungal medication from the vet. Tips and Tricks for a Happier Pet.
Sometimes, a dog can be extremely anxious over a particular situation, like moving to a new house or having separation anxiety. It can cause the dog to be severely itchy for no reason. With that in mind, don’t be surprised if your dog is messing up your carpet for no specific reason.
Matted hair
If your dog has long matted hair in his or her behind, it can get tangled. Combine this with dried up poop, and you have a dog that is itching like crazy along with some scooting sessions. Better see a groomer or consider getting some quality shampoo brand.
Other Causes to Why Do Dogs Scoot
There are also other causes to dog scooting which can be from tumors or wounds. If you see significant swelling in the anal region, then that could indicate a tumor. Tips and Tricks for a Happier Pet.
Swelling, redness, discharge, and bruising could be anal gland abscess that requires drainage and antibiotic treatment.
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Dog Itchy Butt: How to Check It
When it comes to the idea of "dog dragging bum on carpet," it may seem comical at first, but it can actually be pretty detrimental. It’s essential to inspect the situation after having a good laugh.
Here is what you can do:
- Visual
The first thing is to put on a pair of rubber gloves and lift your four-legged friend's tail. Make sure that the area around the anal region is clean and without any intense odor. Check for growth, discharge, injury, or swelling. Tips and Tricks for a Happier Pet.
- Anal sac
if you notice a potent and foul-smelling odor around your dog's anus, then this might mean an issue with the anal sac.
- Worms
Tapeworm segments look like tiny wiggly white cream or small rice-like segments. If you see any of that around your dog's anal region, then definitely call your vet for the proper treatment.
Related: What to do if Your Dog Has a Yeast Infection

When to see the vet
If your four-legged friend is constantly licking his or her anal area or scooting, then it might be time to talk to your vet. This is especially true if the dog looks distressed or uncomfortable. The proper treatment from the vet can stop the scooting process and keep your carpet clean and fresh.
Diagnosis of dog scooting
Ignoring scooting can be harmful. The symptoms could get worse, and it can be damaging to your carpets. Not only that, if it’s a tumor, it can be life-threatening for your dog. Tips and Tricks for a Happier Pet.
A trip to the veterinarian's office can be a lifesaver. The veterinarian will conduct a physical examination and interview you about the dog's medical history and immunization record.
If you have given your dog any prescription medication, make sure the doctor knows about it. The vet will check your companion's vital signs, overall health, and behavior before examining the anal region.
He or she will palpate the rectal area and obtain a stool sample for microscopic evaluation. This is important to check for parasites, worms, fungi, and bacteria.
If the anal sac is impacted, then the vet will express the sac to take samples for microscopic evaluation. They can also obtain an ultrasound of the area to check if there is any mass or abnormality. If the vet suspects something malignant, then he or she will conduct a biopsy. Tips and Tricks for a Happier Pet.
A routine blood test is performed as well as imagery exams such as CT and x-ray. With a thorough examination by a veterinarian, you can rest assured that he or she will find the underlying cause.
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Common Treatments of Dog Scooting by The Vet
The primary treatment for dog scooting depends on the cause. Here are some conventional treatments that your vet will implement:
Anal gland expression
Anal gland impaction can cause pressure on both sides of the anal opening. The vet will express the gland by pushing in to get the material out. It’s essential to have a veterinarian do this to avoid complications.
If there is an infection, the veterinarian will provide antibiotic injection as well as sending you home with some prescription medication.
Luckily, a diet filled with fiber can help prevent reoccurrence. If your dog has worms or parasites, then prescription medication against these critters is the treatment of choice.
If your dog has a mass or tumor, your veterinarian will surgically remove it and send it to the pathologist. If the tumor is malignant, the dog may need chemotherapy or radiation.
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Some Creative Natural Dog Itchy Bum Remedy
If you don’t have time to go to the vet or that you want to try something before using any prescription medication, here are some natural dog itchy bum remedies that you can try:
If your dog is scooting because he or she is anxious, then definitely give them some CBD dog treats. These treats will calm their nerves to reduce itching and to alleviate any anxiety that they may have.
You can select a brand of dog food with more fiber or provide snacks like carrots, pumpkin, or incorporate fiber supplements to the diet.
Fibers help regulate the dog's digestive system so they will have a smoother bowel movement. It helps them go more regularly and to empty the anal sacs more efficiently. It’s important to gradually increase the fiber content in your dog's diet to prevent an upset stomach.
Weight loss
Dogs with high-fat content are more likely to develop anal sac problems. This is why it’s essential to put your dog on a diet if he or she is overweight. Consider switching to a more nutritious, but lower-calorie brand of dog food.
Don’t forget to exercise your dog daily to speed up metabolism. Stay away from dog foods with high amounts of carbohydrates and animal byproduct; this can be unhealthy for your pet.
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Make sure that your dog drinks an adequate amount of water to facilitate smooth bowel movement. It can also help release the anal sac to reduce irritation and discomfort. Keep in mind that hydration can stop dry and itchy skin around the rectal area.
Warm compress
If the dietary changes aren’t helping, then definitely try applying a warm compress around the rectal area.
The first thing to do is to soak a clean washcloth in a mixture of anti-inflammatory substances with warm water. Then hold the soaked cloth near the rectal region for around 10 minutes.
Exercise helps speed up your dog's metabolism, therefore, allowing it to poop more often and to empty the anal sac.
It can strengthen the dog's muscle to help him unload the anal sac, therefore, mitigating the pressure.
Dogs have natural flora bacteria in their Gastrointestinal system to help regulate their metabolism and to fight off invaders. However, if their G.I. system is compromised from an infection or illness, then these bacteria could decrease in number.
When this happens, it puts your loyal friend in danger of abnormal digestive health, which can lead to constipation and anal sac problem as well as infections.
Fortunately, probiotics help replenish your dog’s system with healthy bacteria to strengthen gut health and the immune system. That is why it’s essential to provide your dog with probiotic supplements or to give them yogurt.
If your dog has matted hair, definitely bring them to the groomers. The groomers will have to cut and brush the hair from behind as well as washing it to get rid of all the poop and debris.
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Prognosis of dog scooting
Dog scooting generally has an excellent prognosis, but it can return. If the anal gland problem is chronic, the veterinarian would have to remove the gland to stop the issue.
If your dog has worms, then your veterinarian will have to prescribe another type of medication to eradicate the infection. Whatever the case is if your dog keeps scooting, then bring them back to the vet for the proper treatment.
How to Prevent Scooting
Constant scooting can be painful and annoying for your canine companion. Fortunately, there are ways to present it.
Wipe After a Walk
After your dog comes back from a walk, it’s vital to use baby wipes to clean their bottoms thoroughly. When your dog goes to the bathroom, there is a chance that there are feces and urine stuck on their buttocks. This can irritate their skin leading to severe scooting. Fortunately, by wiping them thoroughly, it prevents them from dragging their butt across the carpet.
Clean Bed and Blanket
If your dog lies on a specific bed or blanket every day, it is vital to keep it clean. A dirty blanket or bed contains a lot of dirt and debris that can irritate the bottom of the skin.
Doggy Bath
Giving your dog a bath once every two weeks can keep them clean to prevent potential scooting. Keep in mind that frequent baths can dry out their skin, so it’s best to wash once in a while.
Healthy Dog Food
Healthy dog food contains the right amount of fiber to keep your companion's digestive system well-regulated. Bad quality dog food has a lot of fillers, preservatives, oil, and fat that can cause constipation. Constipation can cause excessive scooting that can be very irritating to your dog's bottom.
Proper Trimming
If you have a dog with long hair such as a border collie, it’s essential to keep the fur on the buttocks nice and trim. Long fur can cause skin problems and aggravate the anal gland, leading to severe itchiness. Fortunately, a trip to the groomers to trim the bottom can be a significant lifesaver for your canine companion.
Drinking enough water can keep your dog hydrated throughout the day. It can also keep their bowels regulated and reduce constipation. This is essential to keeping their G.I. system healthy to prevent them from dragging their buttocks across the room.
If you smell something strange or witness your dog licking their genital area, then it’s crucial to inspect the region. There could be potential infection or irritation that can lead to constant scooting. If the genital region is swollen and red, then it’s time to see the vet.
Make Sure The Carpets Are Clean
If the carpets are dirty, it can aggravate the skin, especially when your dog sits down. It’s important to clean the carpet every week with a vacuum cleaner. This is to clear out all the dust, dirt, or any allergens that can cause a reaction on your dog's skin.
Visit the Vet
Regular visits to the vet for vaccines and examination is essential. The vet can conduct a stool or urine test to detect microorganisms, like bacteria, fungus, or parasite, that can be in your dog's system. Sometimes these microorganisms can be asymptomatic, but if left long enough your companion's body, they can eventually cause problems. Luckily, by detecting these critters, your veterinarian can prescribe the proper medication to eradicate them to prevent potential scooting.
What Dog Breeds Are Known to have Anal Gland Issues that Cause Itching?
So you might wonder if certain breeds of canines are more likely to have these anal gland issues or not? Certain breeds, especially of the toy group, tend to scoot their boots on the carpet more often, and this is because they can be more prone to having sphincter and anal gland issues. Toy and miniature poodles, chihuahuas, Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, Beagles, and even Lhasa Apsos tend to require regular visits to the vet to express their anal glands manually. Some dogs never have an issue and can go about naturally. However, others aren't so lucky.
Furthermore, all breeds can have these issues, and actually, they are more likely to have them if the dog is obese. Excess weight on your dog can complicate the body's natural cleaning process, and fat infiltration of the muscles decreases their sphincter contractions. This causes the dog to not completely release the contents of their anal glands, further causing infection.
Also, obese pets tend not to be able to clean or lick themselves properly in areas they can't reach. Furthermore, fat buildup around the anal and pubic area can further cause your dog to scoot their butts across the carpet.
Can Dog Worms Live in Carpets and be Spread to Other Pets at Home?
Because not all causes of the "carpet shimmy" are related to anal glands, you should know how long parasites can reside on your carpet. If your pup scoots their butt on the carpet a lot because of a worm or parasite infestation, it is possible for them spread these parasites to other household members.
Can dog worms live in carpets? Unfortunately, yes. While your carpet may provide a safe haven for these parasites, they can also be spread to other pets or even humans within the home through contact with their feces or vomit. Furthermore, outdoor contaminants and vermin such as fleas and ticks can make it easier for these parasites to migrate from one host to another.
Worm eggs can be deposited and remain in your carpets and rugs for a reasonable amount of time. Although unlikely to transfer with just a simple scoot across the floor, it is possible. Roundworm eggs have been known to live in carpets for several months, even years after.
The many different varieties of worms, tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms, and on can all cause health problems for your pup. Even humans can contract these worms and parasites from the dog's fecal matter. If you have a big family and your kids and pets are playing on the floor together. The eggs naturally want to find the nearest host to secure their survival.
Again in some rare instances, humans can accidentally ingest these parasites that have been passed through the pet's feces. And this contamination becomes more of a problem in environments where feces is left to build up. If you are aware of a pinworm or parasitic infestation, it is always best to vacuum and clean the carpets regularly.
Take home message
The funniest thing about owning a dog is watching them do crazy stuff like sliding their butt across the room.
It might be comical at first, but if you notice that they keep doing that along with other symptoms of anxiousness, discomfort, licking, or swelling of the anal region, then it’s time to do an inspection and call your vet.
There are medically related underlying causes to these issues, such as anal sac problems, infection, abscess, anxiousness, and much more.
Your vet will be able to prescribe the proper medication to get rid of the discomfort. You can also try home remedies such as fiber, CBD, hydration, exercise, warm compress, probiotic, and much more.
With all of these tips and tricks, your canine friends will thank you for taking the pain away.
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