CBD Oil For Dog Seizures

CBD Oil For Dog Seizures

What Is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a derivative of the hemp plant. It is one of the hundreds of different byproducts of hemp. When extracted to the highest standards, CBD oil can help to heal with minimal side effects. Yes, it comes from cannabis, but it is important not to confuse it with the other common byproduct (THC) tetrahydrocannabinol, famous for its psychoactive properties | CBD Oil for Dog

Is Using CBD Oil for Dog Seizures Safe? What About THC?

CBD affects the brain in a completely different fashion from THC. That’s because CBD does not have psychoactive properties. Both THC and CBD  bind with endocannabinoid receptors in the brain to cause a psychoactive effect. These receptors are found throughout your dog's body, but they have the highest concentration in the brain, nervous system, and spine.

But how these two derivatives work is very different. THC can cause euphoria, lethargy, vomiting, staggering, and other negative effects on dogs. Certainly, no one wants a “high” dog. CBD helps to manage pain, calm and soothe like THC but doesn’t come with any of the negative THC side effects.

This 2019 study showed that 89% of dogs who were treated with CBD oil had a reduced frequency of seizures without any adverse side effects!

Benefits of CBD Oil for Dog Seizures & More

CBD is a safe and natural oil that can be used to relieve several ailments for dogs. While research is still advancing, here are some common ailments that CBD oil has been proven to help:

Studies have shown that CBD oil has the highest potential for change in the brain, nervous system, and spine systems. So health issues in these systems can be relieved with the proper dosage of CBD oil.

What’s the CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs With Seizures?

Well, unfortunately, it depends. And dosages can vary depending on the CBD oil. That said, dosage guidelines are usually based on the size of the animal. Large dogs require a higher dose than smaller ones. Most products will give clear instructions on the label, and if you have any doubt, contact the manufacturer with the details of your dog's age, breed, and weight. They can help you determine the best dosage to help your dog.

Yes, that is a bit vague but necessary to make sure a dog does not overdose on CBD oil. The products will be more clear about what is a safe amount to treat your dog’s seizures. Committed to its customers, Dope Dog will answer any questions you might have about giving the proper dosage. Or go to Dope Dog’s Learning Lab to find more details on how to give the right dosage to your dog properly.

What Are Dog Seizures?

When a dog suffers a seizure, they might suffer from uncontrollable shaking or a minor twitch. Some seizures can be over as quickly as they began, while others can last for several minutes. This can be scary for the dog and its owner because there is little to no warning before the seizure occurs. And in some cases, the seizures can be life-threatening to dogs. The cause of the seizure usually depends on the dog and its health issues.

A few common causes for dog seizures:

  • Cancer, kidney or liver disease, or other underlying health issues
  • Topical tick and flea products
  • Electrolyte problems
  • Head injury
  • Vaccines
  • Herbicides and pesticides

The most common diagnosis of a dog suffering from regular seizures is epilepsy. This is a disorder that causes your dog to experience uncontrollable bursts of electricity in their brain. Epilepsy is an incurable disease, but it can be managed. Fortunately, research has shown that CBD oils play a significant role in managing the symptoms. CBD oil provides hope for such a debilitating disease.

How CBD Oil for Dog Seizures Helps

While there is ongoing research about CBD, scientists have found a wide range of benefits for both dogs and humans. One of the fascinating discoveries was the impact it has on the management of seizures. Studies have indicated that CBD is incredibly useful when used to manage seizures. Before you administer any new treatment to your dog, you should know more about how it works.

What You Can When Your Dog Has a Seizure

While CBD oil can help minimize the severity and frequency of your dog’s seizures, it may not eliminate them completely. It’s important to know how to act when your dog has a seizure.

  • Stay calm: you might want to panic; that’s a normal reaction. However, keeping your cool will help you care for your dog during this time. Remember, they are not conscious and don’t feel pain during the seizure.
  • Watch the time: note when your dog’s seizure starts and when it stops. Doing this allows you to measure if his or her episodes are improving or not.
  • Know what’s normal: excessive drooling or frothing might look scary, but those are normal symptoms of a dog seizure.
  • Protect them: keep them away from stairs and sharp corners. Pillows can help cushion your pup’s fall. Also, do not grab their tongue; it’s a common misconception that they’ll swallow their tongue during a seizure. They won’t, but you might end up with a nasty bite.
  • Keep them cool: the longer your dog seizes, the higher their chance of overheating. Once they regain consciousness, you can place wet, cool towels around his or her head, neck, and paws.
  • Record the seizures: once your dog is awake and safe, write down the date, time, and prevailing symptoms. Doing this can provide crucial info for your vet, and it allows you to check if their episodes are getting better or worse.

If your dog continues to have seizures, you might want to try increasing the CBD oil dosage gradually and monitor him or her for any signs of improvement.

How Does CBD Oil for Dog Seizures Work?

Earlier in the article, we mentioned endocannabinoid receptors; these play a vital role in understanding how CBD oils will help your dog with its seizures.

The first thing you need to understand is that your body has two kinds of endocannabinoid receptors. They are located in the nervous and immune systems. CB1s are primarily located in your dog’s brain and nervous systems, while CB2s are found throughout the immune system.

It is the CB1 receptors that play the most important part in treating the dog's seizures. Research has found that seizures and epilepsy alter the balance of the endocannabinoid system. Further studies have indicated that CBD allows patients greater control over their seizures, which has proven to be particularly useful with the treatment of specific epilepsy syndromes.

It is known that seizures directly impact the endocannabinoid system (ECS), and using CBD in a process known as “external modulation” can prevent this. In some cases, it can stop the seizures from happening altogether.

Research is still being conducted on the exact effects of CBD on ECS and how it contributes to a drastic reduction in the convulsion of patients using the product. Some scientists suspect that CBD calms the neurons that are sparked during seizures, thus reducing their volatility.

Researchers are confident when they say CBD oils can positively impact dogs with seizures. They also state that the only likely side effect is that they might suffer from mild drowsiness.

The significant part about this research is that big pharmaceutical companies have begun to research the benefits of CBD and its wide-ranging applications. They have been creating drugs with CBD to help treat epilepsy.

How to Treat Dog Seizures With CBD Oil

To help reduce the frequency and severity of your dog’s seizures, you can treat them with CBD oil regularly. Typically, they’ll get the most relief from a twice-daily CBD oil dosage for dog seizures. Keep in mind that dosage amounts vary depending on each individual dog, so you might need to experiment with different doses to find the perfect one. It’s important to start off with small doses and gradually increase them as needed.

CBD oil for dog seizures comes in a variety of convenient forms, including CBD dog treats that they’ll happily gobble up! CBD oils can be added to their food, water, or you can use the dropper to put the oil in their mouth directly.

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