10 Easy Dog Breeds to Own. Although dogs are man’s—and woman’s—best friends, choosing the wrong breed of dog can sour your dreams of canine companionship. Don’t select a dog on a whim, or you and the dog may be miserable for a long time to come. Consider how eager the dog is to please, their friendliness, and their ability to get along with all creatures in your household.
At Dope Dog, we love them all. But no one type of dog will be ideal for everybody. Some people like playful, active companions, others prefer cuddly lapdogs, and still others want canines who will not only tolerate but welcome the embraces of toddlers.
Fortunately, there’s a dog to satisfy every taste on this list. Read on for the top 10 types of dogs to consider.
Related: 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds
Labrador Retriever

Topping the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) list of popular dog breeds in 2018 for the 28th year in a row, Labradors are America’s favorite dog breed for good reasons. Smart and willing to please, these versatile dogs excel at hunting and search-and-rescue, but they’re also popular service, therapy, and companion animals. These sociable canines love just about everybody, from kids to strangers, but you may want to sidestep this breed if you think a dog can be overly affectionate. 10 Easy Dog Breeds to Own.
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Heinz-57 dog

Although these dogs aren’t one particular breed, but rather a mixture of breeds, you may still seriously considering adding a mutt to your household. By adopting this type of dog, you’ll avoid some downsides of purebreds, including often-high prices and an increased risk of genetic disorders.
The AKC cautions that you can make better predictions about a dog’s traits if you know her pedigree. That said, you can usually make an educated guess as to what type of ancestors a mutt has based on looks, temperament, and input from others. 10 Easy Dog Breeds to Own.
If you’re willing to consider a non-purebred pooch, you may be able to adopt a housebroken dog from a shelter rather than buying a puppy from a breeder. You can rest assured knowing that purebreds and mixed-breeds show no significant differences in terms of their trainability.
Of course, just because a dog comes from a shelter doesn’t mean it’s a mixed-breed. Some rescues restrict themselves to certain breeds, such as greyhounds, and a surprising number of purebreds wind up in shelters, too. 10 Easy Dog Breeds to Own.
Golden Retriever

Like the Labrador retriever, the Golden Retriever is an excellent choice not only as a hunting dog but a family companion. Since Goldens are devoted and obedient, they are usually exceptionally trainable. Kids love on Goldens, and Goldens love them back. In fact, Goldens love everybody, so if you’re looking for a watchdog, look elsewhere.

You may think “greyhound” is synonymous with “dog racing,” but greyhounds, especially rescued ones, can be calm, relaxed family pets that mingle easily with people and other dogs. These dogs tend to be reserved with strangers and learn best with consistent, predictable training.
Although greyhounds easily adapt to apartment life, you’ll have to make provision for them to run. Also, they might chase after cats or other small creatures, so households with small creatures might want to consider other breeds.
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No list of beloved dog breeds would be complete without the “Lassie dog.” Traditionally, Collies have been sheepherders, but they’re also protective of young humans. Collies are smart, sensitive, loyal, and affectionate. They need calm environments, and are easy to train.
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Bichon Frise
The list so far has been skewed toward big dogs, but, especially if you live in an apartment that has a strict weight limit for dogs, you may need or want a smaller dog, like the adorable Bichon. These small, white, four-pawed powder-puffs are even recommended by some doctors as being somewhat hypoallergenic.
Bichons are gentle, cheerful family dogs. However, note that they tend to do better with older children, and that they can be a bit higher-maintenance than other dogs due to coat care.
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Basset Hound

Another iconic dog breed that’s high on the cuteness charts is the basset hound. According to the American Kennel Club, these dogs are “easygoing, laid-back, and even a bit lazy.” So if you prefer a medium-size couch-potato dog that’s especially good with kids, consider a basset hound.
You’ll still need to walk these dogs daily, since they’re prone to piling on the pounds. Otherwise they’re fairly healthy, though. Another plus about these dogs is that although their short coats shed, they don’t need much grooming, so they’re generally all-around low-maintenance dogs.
small dogs have significantly longer life spans than larger dogs, so you’ll likely enjoy a Maltese’s companionship for many years to come.
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French Bulldog

English bulldogs are popular pets, but you may want to look into the French variety as well. These medium-sized, short-coated pups look like miniature bulldogs with large bat ears. Ranked as the fourth-most-registered dog breed in the US in 2018 by the American Kennel Club, Frenchies are happy dogs that make friends easily yet are relatively quiet. They don’t require much exercise, and are well-suited for apartment life. They get along well with children who aren’t too rambunctious.
Great Dane

In spite of their imposing physical stature (they’re one of the largest breeds), Great Danes live up to their nickname of “gentle giants.” Loyal, calm, and loving, they make great playmates for little children who like to climb on their backs, and they get along well with other animals as long as they’re raised together. Due to their size and deep, intimidating bark when strangers approach, they also make good watchdogs.
This is by no means an exhaustive listing of dog breeds, but it will at least get you thinking about what canine characteristics are important to you. Choose wisely, and enjoy your new companion!
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Dogs that Can Be Left Alone
Do you work full time and need to leave your dog home alone? Here’s a list of the best dog breeds that can be left alone, so you don’t worry about your sweet dog getting into trouble while you’re at work:
- Basset Hound
- Boston Terrier
- Chihuahua
- Dachshund
- French Bulldog
- Greyhound
- Maltese
- Pug
- Shar Pei
- Whippet
While these dogs can be left alone for about 8 hours, we don’t recommend leaving them unattended longer than eight hours. Otherwise, your dog may get anxious or bored, which can lead to destructive behavior.
Low Maintenance Big Dogs
I don’t know if there is such a thing as a low-maintenance dog because dogs require a lot of love and care. But these big dog breeds are easy-going, low-energy, shed the least, and have the fewest health problems:
- Poodle
- Bull Terrier
- Greyhound
- Bloodhound
- Rottweiler
- Labrador Retriever
- Bullmastiff
- German Shepherd
These dog breeds have pretty even temperaments with varying levels of shedding and energy. Before getting a dog, you’ll want to research the breed that fits your family-style best.
Best Small Dogs for First Time Owners
Do you prefer small dogs? If this is your first time as a pet parent, you may want to consider these small dog breeds because of their trainability, temperament, health, and maintenance:
- Papilion
- Shih Tzu
- Bichon Frise
- Maltese
- Pomeranian
- Pug
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Boston Terrier
- French Bulldog
Smaller dogs are much easier to manage, but you will want to research more into each breed before buying to make sure the breed personality fits your lifestyle and home.
Best Dog Breeds for Kids
If you have kids and want to add a dog to your family, choosing a dog breed that gets along with kids is crucial. Some large breed dogs may be too overpowering for your kids, and some small breed dogs might be too territorial and feisty to be with small children. Here’s our list of the best dog breeds for kids:
- Golden Retriever
- Labrador Retriever
- Poodle
- Irish Setter
- Vizsla
- Newfoundland
- Bull Terrier
- Beagle
- Bulldog
Easiest Dog Breeds to Train
If you are worried about training your new dog, you may want to pick a breed that trains well. By getting a dog that trains easily, you’ll be able to establish house rules fairly quickly with fewer potty accidents. While most dog breeds can be trained, these are the easiest dogs to train:
- Border Collie
- Poodle
- German Shepard
- Golden Retriever
- Doberman Pinscher
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Labrador Retriever
- Papillion
- Rottweiler
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Miniature Schnauzer
- English Springer Spaniel
You may have noticed that many of these breeds span many of our lists. These are great dogs to add to your family. Remember to research each breed in-depth to get a good sense of their personality, temperament, health, shedding, and energy levels. Adding a sweet dog to your family will bring a lifetime of memories for you and your family.
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